Inspiration, dedication, randomness.
Looking for outside the box? I can't even guarantee placement NEAR the box.
JD's Unsolicited Solutions
Trust me. No one asked for my help. Yet here I am. And here you are.
Other People's Brilliance
A good idea is a good idea. Take a look at these examples of great problem solving that inspire me.
Ask JD to solve your problem
Sometimes you just need a fresh perspective. Thankfully, JD is available to consult in exchange for money. Or sometimes bragging rights.
Truck Driver Shortage
I'm sure it shocks you, the reader, that those new, fresh adults that like/don't like to call themselves "Millenials" have less than a piqued curiosity toward becoming professional truck drivers. Now that you've contained your sheer disbelief, why don't we break down the issue into smaller pieces to make this…